- #Necrophilia crack open a cold one movie#
- #Necrophilia crack open a cold one full#
- #Necrophilia crack open a cold one license#
And the moment where she impales a severed table leg in the cadaver's abdomen, slaps a rubber on it, and, well.? You get the picture.
Well, let's just say the dead aren't the only things that rise when exposed to the proper elements. I mean, I like watching a babe, a weird-looking German guy, and a slimy corpse get busy as much as the next guy, but when this girl sucks an eyeball from its ocular socket in mid-coitus. The girlfriend, of course, loves their newfound plaything and I, the gentle viewer, was treated to scene after scene of the most perverse threesomes I had ever laid my sweet, virginal eyes upon. Well, one day he hits the mother lode and he smuggles a whole, rotting corpse back to his pad.
#Necrophilia crack open a cold one full#
for he and his scrumptious girlfriend (Beatrice M.) get a strange thrill out of doing the nasty in front of a jar full of human eyeballs.
#Necrophilia crack open a cold one movie#
They layout of the movie is simple - a man (Daktari Lorenz), employed at a shady streetcleaning agency, occasionally sneaks home a real juicy chunk of a dead body they'd been hired to clean up. My boyhood fantasies of finding the absolute benchmark of "gross" was about to be fulfilled. That picture, however alluring, was inconsequential. To add to my repulsion, the movie I'd ordered was packaged on a homemade tape with a short Norwegian film that featured a man having sex with a car's tailpipe and the skinning of a live cat. It's rare when a reviewer can come across a film that both repulses and intrigues, but in the balmy Summer of '96, just such a film ended up on my doorstep. Girls and Corpses Magazine has dug deep into our crypt vaults to bring you reviews of the five greatest necrophilia movies of all time! So grab your cadnaver, curl up in your coffin with your bag of maggot corn and Milk Bloods, get close and. You're just all going to lay there, aren't you? Well then listen up corpsefiles. Who doesn't like necrophilia movies? A show of hands. Let me know what type of work you have.Reviewed for Girls and Corpses by Ted Geoghegan
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